We all know that we can straighten our virgin human hair ourselves with the helping hand of a blow drier and a pair of straightening irons. However it is always best to visit your salon and stylist. The reason that I say this is down to the fact they will be able to offer you a professional straightening service. Your stylist is trained to evaluate your hair type in order to decide on the best straightening method for you. By having a professional straightening procedure carried out you are able to achieve a better and longer-lasting healthier look. One way that your stylist can achieve this for you is through the use of the Brazilian hair straightening process.
What this process does to your hair is reconstructs it by wrapping a protein bond around it. So what else makes this treatment stand out from others? Well one aspect that should be noted is this isn't a permanent straightening solution but the more you have it performed the better your human hair extensions looks and feels. It actually repairs all of the damage done to your hair, which is one of the reasons as to why it is considered to be so revolutionary; it is unlike any other chemical hair straightening process available and as the treatment is temporary, which some people may see as a disadvantage however I see this as an advantage for the fact the treatment isn't going to grow out and look a bit messy, instead it will wash out so your hair will gradually turn back to how it was before you had the treatment performed. However the treatment will last roughly three months and the more you have the treatment performed the better condition your hair will be in.
There are many advantages attached to this treatment, which is why it is gaining so much popularity; these advantages are aspects such as it can be carried out on pretty much any hair bundles with lace frontal type and it works best on damaged and bleached hair; the worse the condition of your hair the better the treatment will take on it. Your hair will generally feel and look smoother, softer and shiny as well as basically healthier. On top of this the treatment acts as a moisturiser so heat and humidity won't cause your hair to frizz. However this doesn't mean that your hair will be limp and lifeless; the treatment works in a way that ensures life and lustre is still present in your locks.
Even children can have this process applied as long as they are over the age of six. To be fair the only people who should really avoid having the treatment carried out are women who are pregnant or currently nursing. Other than this one exception pretty much anyone can get their hair straightened using the Brazilian hair straightening system.
If you are thinking of having a straightening process applied to your natural locks then my recommendation, especially in the summer months, is the Brazilian hair straightening process. It is perfect for giving you gorgeous hair during the summer months meaning you won't have to worry about it and you can simply wash your hair and go!