Having an attractive appearance is thought of as imperative by the society we live in. It's because of this that everyone wants to appear their best from head to toe. This involves the brazilian hair, known as each person's crowning glory. But there's the condition of balding many go through. Having said that, there's a powerful mixture for it: biotin hair growth treatments. Typically manufactured in supplements or topically applied liquids, some central facts about it can be seen in the following.
Biotin goes by other names such as vitamin H or B7. A water-soluble vitamin, regular dose of it is essential because it serves many roles in the body's regular processes. Such include synthesis of protein and conversion of food and stored fats into energy. It's also a major role player in maintaining the health of the skin, nails and hair. It's not surprising why dermatologists often prescribe this nutrient to their clients.
It can be manufactured by bacteria found along the intestinal tract for the body's use. However, it can also be derived from a variety of food sources. Some of them are salmon, sardines, shellfish, egg yolks, legumes, mushroom, oats, banana, poultry, kidney, liver and other organs. Biotin deficiency may take place due to factors such as certain disorders and poor diet.
Although rare, it can become very serious if left untreated. Some symptoms include mild depression, change in mental status and generalized muscle pains. Initial stages of the deficiency result in dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal infection and rashes. It also leads to having brittle hair and even hair loss. But fret not, as deficiency can be easily treated by taking supplements.
Many different deep wave hair loss products use biotin as their main ingredient because of the benefits it provides. These products are sold in varying forms. Some come in the form of tablets, delivering sufficient doses of the nutrient to relieve hair fall and alopecia, the medical term for baldness. They're also excellent in relieving the symptoms brought about by insufficient intake of this nutrient.
Some come in topically applied products, like creams, shampoos and even conditioners. When absorbed by the scalp, growth of new hair may be promoted. They can also penetrate the hair shaft, making each strand thicker, thus providing the appearance of thicker and healthier mane. Individuals suffering from thinning of hair in some areas of the head can benefit from this effect.
When taken orally, overdosage is unlikely as the nutrient is water wave soluble and excess amounts are eliminated by the kidneys. Side effects are also very rare. However, some people who have used such products reported developing pimples on the chin as well as along the jaw line. Reasons for such are still unknown. But this particular side effect gets resolved on its own in just a matter of days.
Health and beauty stores often carry biotin hair growth products these days. Prior to using one, it's important that you read the label. You may also go online and read user reviews and discussions about a particular product. It's also important that you get something from a reputable company, which spent years of developing and successfully selling their products, to ensure effectiveness and safety.