Hair loss, medically termed as alopecia areata is a commonly reported problem characterized by round patches. Causes for this may not be unique always. It varies from person to person. Increase in age, hormonal imbalance and heredity are some among the main causes leading way to baldness. At present, there are lots of hair loss remedies available in market. Out of hundreds of product, choosing the best one is not an easy task. Before picking any one among the products, it is advised to remember certain factors like hair style, product reviews and ingredients. Always, make sure that you choose one with zero harsh chemicals for attaining fine results with no adverse actions. Now, let's see in detail some of the best hair loss remedies used for curing baldness.
Intake of food items rich in vitamin C is one of the best remedies suggested by health practitioners. Broccoli, strawberries, citrus fruits and green peppers are some food items rich in vitamin C concentration. Presence of bioflavonoids in these food items helps in promoting antioxidant action and scalp blood circulation. Strengthening bones, boosting immune system, repairing damaged bones and skin are other key benefits of using vitamin C supplements. Zinc, mainly found in oysters, veal liver, toasted wheat germ and roasted pumpkin seeds is another hair loss remedy used for the treatment of baldness. Intake of zinc rich food items promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth and repairing of broken tissues. Presence of zinc in body wave hair helps in preserving oil secretion glands attached to hair follicles which in turn decrease the chance of baldness.
Vitamin E, including tocopherols and tocotrienols is a best recommended hair loss remedy suggested by physicians. Intake of vitamin E rich food items increases the uptake of oxygen, improves blood circulation to scalp and promotes the growth of hair. Food items like corn, soybean, flaxseed and sesame oils are rich in vitamin E concentration level. Presence of essential fatty acids in hair loss remedies enhance texture and prevent dry brittle hair. Primrose oil, salmon oil and flaxseed oil are some main essential fatty acids added for the preparation of baldness supplements. Intake of vitamin B complex capsule is another recommended remedy for baldness troubles. Presence of key ingredients like niacin, folic acid and riboflavin in B complex capsule plays a key role in hair growth.
Biotin or vitamin H is one among the best remedies enhancing hair growth. Egg yolk, kidney, liver, milk and strawberries are some food items with high biotin level. Inclusion of biotin rich food sources in diet helps in growing new hair and strengthening the health of skin and nails. Intake of biotin rich baldness supplements strengthens hair follicles and helps in preventing baldness in future. Kelp, enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and vitamin B complex is another hair loss supplement nourishing hair follicles. It is a well known promoter of glandular health. L-arginine, green tea extract, grape seed extract, L-lysine, procyanidins, coenzyme Q10 and inositol are other best hair loss remedies recommended for growth of hair.