Did you get new hair extensions? Do you want them to stay sleek and glossy for months? Of course, you do! Getting luxury hair extensions is a real investment. You are spending your hard-earned cash on these long locks. That’s why it’s totally valid for you to hope that they stay brand-new in the long run. The only problem is that you’ve got to know the ins and outs of proper extension care maintenance. Or you might jeopardize the chances of it surviving another styling session. Fret not! We’ve got just the thing you need. Here are some of the best tips to maintain your human hair extensions:
1. Spend Some Quality Time with Them Despite popular belief, hair extensions are not low maintenance. They might not require as much time as a wig or real hair.But they do need regular touch-ups and attention. Besides the styling, you’ve also got to ensure that your extensions don’t get tangled up in a comb or get washed off during the shower. Our advice is to opt for smart styling and washing options when it comes to virgin human hair extensions.
2. Never Go Overboard with Hair Care One of the biggest mistakes women make is when they over-do the hair care regime. We know that scrubbing and brushing are great for your hair. But excessive use of hair treatments and hair care products is a big no on all accounts. That’s because the extreme exposure increases the risk of damaging your extensions.
Here is a checklist to use when you’ve got extensions on: ·No serums or oily products ·Use gentle shampoos and conditioners ·Never be aggressive with a hairbrush Pro tip: Ask your personal hairstylist for advice if your regular hair products aren’t working out. After all, they’re a great source for getting the best tips to maintain hair extensions.
3. Minimize the Use of Flat Irons You might have heard that blow dryers, flat irons and curlers can be used on human hair extensions. But people might have missed out on a teeny tiny detail. It’s the fact that any styling product that goes over 380 degrees can burn your hair. Using it once or twice might work out. But regular exposure to these hot styling products is not recommended. We suggest that you gently glide the flat iron over your hair extensions. Additionally, if you own a flat iron with an adjustable temperature setting then you should keep it at 350 degrees.
Wrap Up In the end, your proper care and attention will help those luscious locks looking good as new. And whenever you’re in doubt, read this guide to ensure that you never cross the line. Or else you might end up paying the price with tangled up hair pieces. And we don’t want that to happen now. Are we right?