Although there are numerous hairstyles to choose from some of them serve purposes other than appearances. In some cases if there is a particular problem with the hair, a specific technique can be used to rectify the problem. In the case of the feathering techniques, it's additional purpose beyond the style is to create a much softer flowing look to the hair yet provide some texture to it as well. For those individuals who really favor the style the feathering technique is perfect to achieve this.
The best technique and most successful way of achieving the feather can be accomplished on either wet or dry hair. Whatever the stylist feels most adept at working with. When you take a section of the human hair, it is important that you hold it taunt. The way you hold your scissors is important because they must be fanned across the hair shaft. You will be cutting in a forward direction what holding an 80-90 degree again the hair ensuring your scissor is open no more than two thirds. It's the end of the shaft of hair that you will be cutting so you must extend the section but firmly hold the end.
You need to begin cutting in close proximity to you fingers at the same time cutting in a fanning motion. You need to determine the type of affect you are after as this will determine how much you should move upwards. Up to about 10cm at the most. If you are familiar with the techniques of using a razor then you will find the feathering technique rather easy. You will be cutting the hair ends of the V of scissors which is where the two blades meet. If you attempt to hold the scissors open too much, you will see that the scissors begin to catch. Although this is an easy technique, it takes a bit of getting use to. Not too many people will want you practicing on their hair so consider using a doll that has long hair to practice on. A great source for these is at yard sales. This type of client at least will not complain about your mistakes.
Don't even attempt the feathering technique without the proper pair of scissors. The most favored is the medium precision and even better is a cobalt alloy with a cutting edge that is angled at 45 degrees. Don't rush out and buy a brand new pair for the occasion if you have a relatively new set around that is about six months used. These will in fact due a much better job but we are not referring to old damaged scissors. If you attempt this style with high precision scissor, you are going to run into problem. High precision scissors are far too sharp for this job. Along with the edges being too fine. What happens is these types of scissors will skin the brazilian hair as opposed to creating the texture. You will end up splitting the ends of the hair.
It important that if you are going to attempt a detailed technique such as feathering that you use the proper tools. Without them no matter how good your skills are, you will not achieve the desired results.