芒鈧揕ist building is everything!芒鈧? or 芒鈧搕he money is the list芒鈧? your fortune is in the follow-up芒鈧? You have heard it all before but do you really understand exactly what list building is and why is important to your future? What is List Building? In its simplest form Camiseta Cristian Pavon Argentina , list building a two step process: the one step is the act of 芒鈧揷apturing芒鈧?a potential customer芒鈧劉s name and email address and the second step is to use that information to create a relationship with that person. Notice I said 芒鈧揷reate a relationship芒鈧?not to sell. I芒鈧劉ll get back to that in a minute. For more details go to wwweelist-pro. You want to use your list building process to collect the names and email addresses of as many people who have shown an interest in you and your business as possible. Basically you want to put a list