Hair extensions have become the demand of the day with the increasing trends in fashion industry as women with long hair has always been considered as the most beautiful figure. Even there are many myths where girl used to have so long hair that with its help she saved hero by making his way down from window. Whatever the stories had been, this is an undeniable truth that almost every person in this world likes to look good, healthy and beautiful is utmost.
This brand's are known as artificial & also used by people today to improve their outlook, and also used by those people who have very thin and weak type or do not have healthy growth or is having very slow rate growth. One thing that should be kept in mind that it is a human hair bundles which are specially designed from those hairs that have never been treated with any kind of chemicals, either for dying or curling or straightening.
There are two types of virgin hair bundles and they are, virgin meaning by completely original that have never been treated before, and non virgin meaning by those that has been treated for alteration either in color or in texture.
For this brand purpose, hair is collected from different parts of the world as people from different geographical areas have different color and texture. Indian and Brazilian hair textures are the two most prominent textures of the world. Maker prefer to make their extensions out from these abiding people.
Remy hair bundles with lace closure and Wigs are very useful for those people who have problematic issue due to medical problem e.g. in cancer patient due to the chemotherapy treatment, and for those who have family or also genetic problem and last but not least, the age factor.
Remy hair extensions are very easy to handle. They are indistinguishable when used as they are original so they easily mingle, but before going to use, this must be kept in mind that use only those extensions that resemble to your own texture kind. Some people think these cannot wash like natural hair, if you are using original, then you can wash and treat them as you do with your original hair as they are made from natural hair.
It is considered the best in its quality. The cuticles are kept intact and align in uniform direction to retain its quality. It is collected as it is from the head of the women and kept intact till it reached factory. The virgin type look just like the real one. That is why the demands are getting more day by day. Being one of the most expensive type because of its high quality and demand and supply gap, it can never be forbidden. The Indian religious women for their God mostly donate it. Non-Remy is collected off the floor after cutting in saloons. It becomes impossible to keep the cuticles aligned resulting in poorer quality of hair.